e T
ogies GmbH & Co. K
aße 91, 32584 Löhne, Germany
, www
Montage- und Anschlussanleitung / Funk-Empfänger
Mounting and wiring instructions / Wireless receiver
Instructions de montage et de câblage / Récepteur sans fil
Istruzioni di montaggio e collegamento / Ricevitore wireless
Instruções de montagem e instalação / Receptor sem fio
Инструкция по монтажу и подключению / Радиоприемник
RF Rx EN868 TCP/IP / RF Rx SW868/SW915/SW917/SW922 TCP/IP V2
12 / 52
Decimal numerical value
Binary format
0x30, 0x32
The binary format is shorter. However, the separator charac-
ter (LF = 0x0A) is omitted in the binary format. The separator
character is used to separate telegrams in ASCII format.
To assign the beginning and end of a character string to a tel-
egram, a telegram is checked for plausibility and length infor-
mation in binary format.
: If the check mark next to the »Active« field is set, configured
switching data is sent via the detail connection of the sensor.
The sensor is also taken into account in the ALL collection list
and the Modbus interface.
Collective message ALL
If the »Learn Mode« is not activated, the steute ethernet Gateway is in
receiver mode. Only the telegrams of taught in and activated wireless
switches are received/confirmed and transmitted via ethernet to the
listed receiver. With activated »Learn Mode« the module receives all
wireless telegrams in its wireless range without confirming them. The
»ALL« connection forwards telegrams of the »active« IDs only.
By using the »ALL« connection the following functions are possible:
- Send All: All received telegrams are forwarded without refining them.
- Send active IDs: All telegrams of the »Active« configured IDs
are forwarded.
- Send passive IDs: All telegrams of the NOT »Active« configured IDs
are forwarded.
- Send all IDs in List: All telegrams of the IDs listed in the overview are
forwarded (»Active« and NOT »Active«).
Collective message ERR
If an error occurs in the Gateway, e.g. TCP/IP client connection not
possible a corresponding error text is generated and transmitted to
the receiver configured at »ERR«.
Wireless sensor log
The »Sensor Log« window lists all received wireless telegrams, en-
codes them according to their ID and adds each switch/sensor ID to
the counter. Especially with activated »Learn mode« manually actuat-
ed wireless switches can be identified by their chronological occur-
rence. The signal strength or the RSSI value (Receive Signal Strength
Indicator) can be additionally activated as a filter in order to fade out
e.g. distant sensors (low signal strength). The counter behind received
telegram indicates the number of the received telegrams of a defined
ID. All counters can be reset with the »Clear Counter« button.
Ethernet transmission protocols
As mentioned before, the network protocols UDP or TCP (client/server)
can be configured for the transmission of the wireless telegrams. The
internet protocol (IP) carries out the transmission within the network.
It is often mentioned as UDP/IP or TCP/IP. IPv4 is used as standard.
The »User Datagram Protocol« transmits messages to any network
addresses (IP) without building up an active connection in advance.
This makes the transmission of data very easy and fast and ensures
a low network load. The low protocol overhead has disadvantages,
though. Thus, with UDP it cannot be guaranteed that packages trans-
mitted once are received, that they are received in the correct order or
are received only once by the receiver.
IP datagram
IP header
UDP header
wireless telegram (UDP data)
UDP datagram
In order to assign the UDP datagram at the receiver to the correct pro-
cess, the source port, the target port (see configuration wireless sen-
sor), the length and a checksum are assigned in the UDP header. Thus,
the header has a length of 8 bytes.