Heating and D.h.w. Controller RVL481
Building Technologies
28 Communication
28 Communication
28.1 Combination with room units
28.1.1 General
Room units can be used with the RVL481 only if one of the plant types 1–x, 2–x,
or 3–x has been selected on the controller
The room temperature acquired by a room unit is adopted by the RVL481 at terminal
A6. If the room temperature signal delivered by the room unit shall not be considered
by the control functions, the respective source needs to be selected (operating line 65).
The other room unit functions will then be maintained
The connection of an inadmissible room unit is detected by the RVL481 as a fault and
displayed as such on operating line 50 (error code 62)
Faults that the room unit detects in itself are displayed by the RVL481 on operating line
50 (error code 61)
The identification number of the room unit can be called up on operating line 196
28.1.2 Combination with room unit QAW50
Room unit QAW50 with room temperature
sensor and room temperature readjustment
(setting knob)
The QAW50 can act on the RVL481 as follows:
Overriding the operating mode of the heating circuit
Readjustment of room temperature
For this purpose, the QAW50 has 3 operating elements:
Operating mode slider
Economy button (also called presence button)
Knob for room temperature readjustments
From the QAW50, the operating mode of theRVL481 can be overridden. This is ac-
complished with the operating mode slider and the economy button.
To enable the room unit to act on the RVL481, the following operating conditions must
be satisfied:
AUTO mode for heating circuit
No holiday period active, no manual operation
The impact of the QAW50's operating mode slider on the RVL481 is as follows:
Operating mode QAW50
Heating circuit’s operating mode RVL481
; temporary overriding with QAW50 economy
button possible
Continuously NORMAL
or continuously REDUCED
heating, depending on the economy button, perma-
nent overriding
Overriding the heating
circuit's operating mode