Configuring the MK8000
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
NK822x – NK8000 Network (NS8210 driver)
Drag the NK822x Ethernet line to the NS8210 NK8000 Driver.
Fig. 53 Connecting NK822x Ethernet line to the NS8210 NK8000 Driver
NK82X5 – BACnet Network (NS8011 driver)
Drag the NK82X5 main node (not the Ethernet line!) to the NS8011 BACnet-
Fig. 54 Connecting NK8225 to the NS8011 BACnet Driver
Multiple hosts
NK822x can support the LAN/WAN connection to multiple hosts
(MK8000/MM8000). The network protocol can be CMSDL/IP and/or BACnet/IP.
Note that each DMS8000 host requires a separate Composer configuration that
should match the one of the other hosts.
The NK822x units are downloaded by one of the DMS8000 hosts.
See the DMS8000 Network, Fire, and Intrusion Connectivity Configuration
Guide (document no. A6V10062425) for more information on network architec-