myUTN User Manual Windows
What Do You Want
To Do?
’Creating a Self-Signed Certificate’
’Creating a Certificate Request for a Requested Certificate’
’Installing the Requested Certificate in the UTN Server’
’Installing the PKCS#12 Certificate in the UTN Server’
’Saving S/MIME Certificates in the UTN Server (only myUTN-80
and later)’
’Installing the CA Certificate in the UTN Server’
Displaying Certificates
Certificates installed on the UTN server and certificate requests can
be displayed and viewed.
A certificate is installed on the UTN server.
Proceed as follows:
1. Start the myUTN Control Center.
2. Select
SECURITY – Certificates
3. Select the certificate via the icon
The certificate is displayed.
Creating a Self-Signed Certificate
If a self-signed certificate has already been created on the UTN
server, you must first delete the certificate; see:
Proceed as follows:
1. Start the myUTN Control Center.
2. Select
SECURITY – Certificates
3. Click
Self-signed certificate
4. Enter the relevant parameters; see: table 13