Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide – 4thEd.
Take one of the GT2 drive belts and thread it into the notch at the base of the X tower as shown
in Fig. 9.3-1. The belt shown below is slightly twisted, but please make sure that the belt teeth face
towards the tower.
Next, I want you to feed the belt down and under
the upper idler and around the top of the GT2 drive gear as
shown in Fig. 9-2.
Pass the belt around the gear and under the lower idler
as shown below.
9 – Assembling & Installing the Carriages & Belts – 83
Fig. 9.3-1: Starting to route the belt.
Fig. 9.3-2: Passing under the idler
and over the gear.
Fig. 9.3-3: Around the gear and under the
Grandmother's house we go...