Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide – 4thEd.
7 – Installing the Towers & Tower Wiring
7.1 – Running Wire in the Towers
For this task, you'll need the following components:
You may notice that some of the photos in this section
show a white & green 18ga wire instead of two white 26ga
wires. This is due to an engineering change that was done
after the photos were taken.
Note that the end stop wires can be found in the same bag
that contained the thermistor leads, in the RAMBo box.
The 26ga red & black wires are supplied as one continuous length. The wire is meant to be
used to provide power for the PEEK and layer fans on the effector platform. Before you can run those
wires in the tower, you'll need to cut the red & black wires in half so you have two red & black pair of
equal length.
In the Rostock MAX v2, you'll be routing the hot end, extruder stepper, fan wires, and end stop
wires through the center of the three towers. If you're upgrading a Rostock MAX v1 and using the
original towers, please make sure to gently file off any sharp edges on either end of each tower.
Before you can start, you'll need to strip the four conductor wires from the one (or two!) gray-
jacketed cables.
7 – Installing the Towers & Tower Wiring – 62
3 Aluminum Towers
22ga, 4 Conductor Wire
26ga wire, Red & Black
End Stop Wires
18ga & 26ga wire.-