Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide – 4thEd.
0 – Introduction and Acknowledgments
I’d like to welcome you to the 4th Edition of the Rostock MAX v2 assembly guide!
Even if you've built an original Rostock MAX v1 3D printer, you'll want to read this manual
carefully. There are no common Melamine parts from the v1 design. The construction has been greatly
streamlined and should prove to be a shorter build. The design changes made will ensure that you've
got a long lasting, easy to calibrate, delta configuration 3D printer.
Please read this entire guide before you begin assembly of your new Rostock MAX v2! It will
help you avoid any unpleasant surprises and will ensure that you’ve got everything you need BEFORE
you need it! Understand that the photographs in this assembly guide do NOT tell the whole story of
each step! Make sure you read and understand the accompanying text for each step!
A quick note on the RAMBo, the controller for your Rostock MAX v2. The RAMBo is static
sensitive, so please don't take it out of the static bag it ships in until you're ready to use it.
The box containing the RAMBo and its wiring should also contain a printed, black & white
sheet that looks like this:
Please refer to this sheet when you reach Chapter 18. This is a valuable guide to wiring the
RAMBo up to your Rostock MAX v2. Note that the connector polarity is clearly marked on the board
for the “MOSFET Outputs”.
The Five Stages of Masking Tape...have been removed!
In a change from previous editions of the Rostock MAX v2 assembly guide, I'm going to spare
you the time consuming task of removing
the parts from the laser cut sheets at one time. For the 4
Edition, you'll only “pull & peel” the parts as you need them. In order to help you locate the required
parts, each task section will show the part, what sheet it comes on, and how many of them you need.
This will also help avoid lost parts or parts that get thrown out accidentally.
I'd like to thank the gentleman that runs
for his excellent guide
on calibrating delta configuration 3D printers.
I'd also like to thank the whole gang over at the SeeMeCNC forums for providing excellent
feedback. This would be a much lesser creation without their contributions and insights.
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