Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide – 4thEd.
Make sure that you've got the hot end oriented as shown
in Fig. 11.4-4. The “back end” of the mount needs to remain
clear in order to install the PEEK fan later on.
11.5 – Installing the Bowden Tube
For this task you'll need the long PTFE Bowden tube that was included in the Hot End Pack.
The mesh in the hot end wiring loom will open up when you compress it. Grip the mesh about
2” above the heat shrink tubing and press down with the hot end on the table. This will open up the
mesh enough so that you can insert the Bowden tube. Insert the tube 1” from the upper edge of the heat
shrink tubing as shown below.
Thread the Bowden tube up the loom to a point a few
inches short of the press fit connector on the extruder. Open
up the loom at that point and allow the Bowden tube to exit.
Now you can insert the Bowden tube into the press fit
connectors on the hot end and the extruder. Push the tube in until
it stops.
Checkpoint Video #16
11 – Installing the Hot End and Bowden Tube – 104
Fig. 11.4-4: Correct orientation.
Fig. 11.5-2: Bowden exit point.
Fig. 11.5-1: Bowden insertion point.
Fig. 11.5-3: Bowden tube fitted. (“
” wire shown.”