Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide – 4thEd.
6.1 – Installing The Feet
The feet on the Rostock MAX v2 are made from a hard plastic “foot” that is held in place by a
nylon screw & bolt and is covered with a soft rubber “shoe”.
The feet are installed on the bottom of the Base Bottom Plate. The top surface has axis labels at
each “corner” as shown.
The nylon screws need to be inserted into the foot base
as shown below.
Install two feet at each location as indicated by the
green rectangles.
Don't install the soft rubber “shoe” parts yet. They'll make it difficult to move the machine
during the build!
6 – Assembling the Base – 45
Fig. 6.1-1: The X axis label.
Fig. 6.1-2: Screw orientation.
Fig. 6.1-3: Nut installed.
Fig. 6.1-4: Two feet installed.
Fig. 6.1-5: Feet installed.