Rostock MAX v2 Assembly Guide – 4thEd.
4 – Preparing the Onyx Heated Bed
For this task, you'll need the following components:
Just like the power supply, we're going to do some prep work on the Onyx Heated Bed in
advance of actually needing it in the build. If your kit doesn't include 14” of pre-cut 18ga wires, you
can cut 14” of wire from the long lengths of black & red 18ga wire that's included.
4.1 – Installing The Thermistor
The first thing we're going to do is cover the thermistor hole that's in the center of the Onyx.
Cut yourself about 3/4” of Kapton tape and fold the end over to give yourself a “pull tab”. Then cover
the center hole with it as shown.
You're covering the center hole in order to prevent
any RTV from escaping the hole.
In the parts pack for the Onyx, you'll find a small
baggie containing a thermistor and some thin PTFE
sleeving, essentially identical to the thermistor and PTFE
that you installed in the hot end preparation task.
4 – Preparing the Onyx Heated Bed – 38
Fig. 4.1-1: Covering the thermistor hole.