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respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
– Slide the spindles - 10 - 222 A /10- -2- onto the counterholder
- 10 - 222 A- .
– Screw in the adapter - 10 - 222 A /8- -3- into the counterholder
- 10-222 A- -1-.
– Insert the carrying device - 10 - 222 A- -1- and the adapter -
10 - 222 A /8- -3- on left and right onto longitudinal members
as shown.
Observe the position and setting of the gauge - T40045- -4-
– Fit the shackle - 10 - 222 A /12- -5- into the lifting eyes of the
engine left and right.
– Hook the karabiners of the spindles - 10 - 222 A /10- -2- into
the shackle - 10 - 222 A /12- -5-.
– Take up weight of engine/gearbox assembly with spindle, but
without raising it.
Removing and installing engine mount‐
– Loosen hose -2- for activated carbon filter.
– Disconnect connector -1-.
– Release detent using a screwdriver -arrow- and place coolant
expansion tank to one side.
– Support engine and gearbox in installation position
– Unscrew and remove the screws -Arrows- and remove engine
mounting -1-.
Installation is carried out in the reverse order. Please note the
– Check adjustment of assembly mountings (engine/gearbox
Specified torques:
⇒ “2.1 Exploded view - assembly mountings”, page 25
♦ ⇒ General body repairs, exterior; Rep. gr. 63 ; Front bumper;
Assembly overview - bumper cover
Removing and installing gearbox
– Support engine and gearbox in installation position
– Remove battery tray ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 ; Battery;
Removing and installing battery tray .
León 2013 ➤ , León ST 2013 ➤
4-cylinder petrol engine (1.2 l direct injection, 4 V, turbocharger, EA211) - Edition 02.2017
2. Assembly mountings