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permitted unless authorised by SEAT S.A. SEAT S.A does not guarantee or accept any liability with
respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
– Separate the air hose -2- from the air filter housing.
– Carefully remove the air filter housing -1- from the retaining
bolts in an upward motion, sequentially.
– Loosen the brackets -arrow- for the air duct hose.
– Disconnect the air filter housing -1- with the air duct hoses.
– Remove bolts -arrows-.
Item -2- can be disregarded.
– Unlatch the air duct in the lock carrier and remove
-in the direction of the arrow-.
– Remove battery and battery tray ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr.
27 ; Battery; Removing and installing battery tray .
– Unplug electrical connector -1- for radiator fan (push retainer
to the rear -arrow A- and press down release catch).
– Press locking tabs on left and right sides of radiator cowl
-arrow B- and at the same time lift radiator cowl off radiator.
– Remove noise insulations ⇒ Rep. gr. 66 ; Noise insulation;
Exploded view –noise insulation .
After removing of coolant or fuel lines, these must be sealed using
the engine sealing cap set - VAS 6122- to prevent dirt from en‐
tering or coolant or fuel from running out.
León 2013 ➤ , León ST 2013 ➤
4-cylinder petrol engine (1.2 l direct injection, 4 V, turbocharger, EA211) - Edition 02.2017
1. Removing and positioning the engine