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1 - Dipstick
❑ Oil capacities
❑ Min. and max. mark
2 - Sealing cap
3 - Breather valve
❑ Note installation posi‐
4 - O-ring
❑ renew
❑ Moisten with oil before
5 - Guard plate
❑ For oil separator
6 - Oil pressure switch for re‐
duced oil pressure F378
❑ Screw in by hand by ap‐
prox. 3 full turns.
❑ 20 Nm
❑ Checking
❑ Removing and installing
7 - Oil sump
❑ Removing and installing
8 - Oil filter
❑ 20 Nm
❑ See note
❑ If outer circumference of
oil filter is damaged, re‐
new oil filter.
❑ Removing and installing ⇒ Maintenance ; Booklet 501 .
❑ If the connecting union for oil filter in sump became loose
9 - Oil seal
❑ renew
10 - Oil level/oil temperature sender - G266-
11 - Bolt
❑ 8 Nm
12 - Bolt
❑ Tightening torques and tightening sequence
13 - Oil seal
❑ renew
New procedure for all subsequent
León 2013 ➤ , León ST 2013 ➤
4-cylinder petrol engine (1.2 l direct injection, 4 V, turbocharger, EA211) - Edition 02.2017
1. Sump, oil pump