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Pre-tightening sequence, coolant pump:
Tightening torque
-1 … 5-
Screw in by hand until they make con‐
-1 … 5-
10 Nm
– Loosen all bolts again by one turn.
– Apply the torque wrench, -VAS 6583- with a hexagon key SW
10 -item 6- on the coolant pump.
– Using hexagon on coolant pump, preload coolant pump in
clockwise direction to 30 Nm using 10-mm hexagon sock‐
et-6-, extension and torque wrench - VAS 6583- .
– For ease of use, fit torque wrench - VAS 6583- on vertically.
Do not support torque wrench with your other hand.
To ensure the poly V-belt is not over-tensioned, do not »push
the torque wrench again« after the specified torque has been
Have a second mechanic tighten securing bolts -2-, -1- and
-5- to specified torque, while your are keeping the torque
wrench - VAS 6583- pushed to that torque.
– Pre-load coolant pump.
– While doing so, have a second mechanic pre-tighten coolant
pump securing bolts to 10 Nm in anti-clockwise direction,
starting with bolts -2-, -1- and -5- (»stage 3«).
• By tightening securing bolts -2-, -1- and -5- to specified torque,
the desired belt tension is reached.
• After securing bolts have been tightened initially, torque
wrench - VAS 6583- can be removed.
– Then tighten the securing bolts in stage »4«.
Tightening torque
-2, 1, 5-
10 Nm
-3, 4, 5, 1, 2- 12 Nm
Specified torques
♦ Securing bolts for crankcase breather hose
⇒ “1.1 Exploded view - turbocharger”, page 189
♦ Securing bolts for coolant pump toothed belt guard
⇒ “2.1 Exploded view - coolant pump and thermostat”,
♦ Coolant pump bolts, »pre-tightening torque«
♦ ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr. 27 ; Battery; Assembly overview
- battery
León 2013 ➤ , León ST 2013 ➤
4-cylinder petrol engine (1.2 l direct injection, 4 V, turbocharger, EA211) - Edition 02.2017
2. Coolant pump/thermostat assembly