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Work sequence
• Oil level OK, checking ⇒ Maintenance ; Booklet 501
• Minimum temperature of engine oil 80 °C (the radiator fan
must have started once).
– Remove oil pressure switch for reduced oil pressure - F378-
The oil pressure switch is fitted with a captive seal.
The seal is not designed for multiple use. After removal the oil
pressure switch must be renewed.
⇒ “4.2 Removing and installing oil pressure switch for reduced
– Screw oil pressure tester - V.A.G 1342- into hole for oil pres‐
sure switch.
– Screw oil pressure switch for reduced oil pressure - F378- into
hole in oil pressure tester - V.A.G 1342- to seal it off.
– Start engine.
• Oil pressure at idling speed: at least 0.6 bar
• Oil pressure at 2,000 rpm: at least 1.5 bar
• Oil pressure at 4500 rpm: at least 2.8 bar
Low oil pressure can also be caused by mechanical faults, such
as damaged bearings.
If no fault is found:
– Replace oil pump
Check oil pressure switch for reduced oil pressure - F378-
– Switch off engine.
– Connect brown wire of tester to earth (-).
– Connect voltage tester - V.A.G 1527B- to battery positive (+)
and oil pressure switch for reduced oil pressure - V.A.G
1594C- (brown) using cables from auxiliary test set - F378- .
• LED should not light up.
– If LED lights up, renew oil pressure switch for reduced oil
pressure - F378- .
If LED does not light up:
– Start engine and between 0.3…0.6 bar, the LED must light up,
otherwise renew oil pressure switch
Removing and installing oil filter housing
Special tools and workshop equipment required
León 2013 ➤ , León ST 2013 ➤
4-cylinder petrol engine (1.2 l direct injection, 4 V, turbocharger, EA211) - Edition 02.2017
4. Oil filter/oil pressure switches