11. Statim 2000S and 5000S Troubleshooting
Cycle Faults – Software Revision R4xx, R5xx and R6xx
Cycle Fault Number
Description of Fault
Probable Cause of Fault
Cycle Fault #1
The cassette temperature failed to reach boiling
temperature within a time-out period.
This fault may be caused by a large cassette leak in
conjunction with an extremely large load or a blown
thermal fuse caused by weak pump delivery and/or
contaminated steam generator or a faulty steam
generator triac. If the triac has failed, the thermal fuse
may have also failed. A faulty steam generator
(steam generator resistance failed open) could also
cause this fault.
Cycle Fault #2
Not used
Cycle Fault #3
The cassette temperature failed to reach 110ºC
within a time-out period.
This may be caused by a faulty cassette seal, a
damaged cassette, or a failed or faulty solenoid valve
(failed to close). Verify check valve and pressure
relief valves for leaks. Temperature measurement
failure. For Software revisions R4xx and R5xx verify
Vref to be 2.520V± 0.001V.
Cycle Fault #4
The cassette has failed to achieve sterilization
conditions within a timeout period.
This may be caused by a faulty cassette seal, a
damaged cassette, improperly installed copper
tubing, a failed or faulty solenoid valve (failed to
close) , or improper alignment of the probe bracket.
Verify check valve and pressure relief valves for
leaks. Temperature measurement failure. For
Software revisions R4xx and R5xx verify Vref to be
2.520V± 0.001V.
Cycle Fault #5 to #9
Not used
Cycle Fault #10
The cassette temperature failed to drop to a floor
condition during a pre-sterilization purge within a
timeout period.
Check for a clogged duct in the left rear of the
cassette tray. Check exhaust tubing (kinked or tightly
coiled). Check solenoid valve for improper
connection, a failed solenoid valve (blown coil) or
plunger sticking.