10. Statim 5000 Trouble-shooting – Cycle Faults
Cycle Fault #6
Software Revision
R5xx and R6xx
The software has detected the filtered Validation
thermocouple temperature 5°C greater than the
chamber during the sterilizing phase of a cycle.
Check for kinked or pinched exhaust tubing and for
visible steam leaks from the cassette seal, lid or tray.
Check the solenoid and make sure the plunger is not
sticking. Recalibrate validation thermocouple (former
boiler calibration) or chamber thermocouple. Verify PCB
(chamber temperature reading too low, for PCB rev
other than rev 7.xx bad Vref ).
Cycle Fault #7
During Sterilization phase of the cycle the cassette
temperature has dropped below a threshold value.
This may be caused by a faulty solenoid valve (fails to
close), a leaky cassette, a leaky pressure relief valve, a
leaky check valve.
Cycle Fault #8
Software Revisions
R2xx or R4xx
The software has detected the filtered steam
generator temperature 6°C less than the chamber
during the sterilizing phase of a cycle.
This may be caused by a faulty steam generator, the
cassette thermocouple miscalibration, by a
contaminated steam generator or a high output pump.
Cycle Fault #8
Software Revision
R5xx and R6xx
The software has detected the filtered Validation
Thermocouple temperature 5°C less than the
chamber during the sterilizing phase of a cycle.
Check for a clogged duct in the left rear of the cassette
tray. Check the solenoid for debris and make sure the
plunger is not sticking. Recalibrate validation
thermocouple (former boiler calibration). Check PCB
(chamber temperature reading too high, for PCB revs
other than rev 7.xx bad Vref, etc.). Check water pump
(high output pump). Check water pump (weak pump).
Cycle Fault #9
Cycle Fault #10
The cassette temperature has failed to drop
to115°C during the Unwrapped or Wrapped Cycle
OR the temperature has failed to drop to 110°C
during the Rubber and Plastics Cycle in the purge
conditioning stage.
Check for a clogged duct in the left rear of the cassette
tray. Check exhaust tubing (kinked or tightly coiled).
Check solenoid valve for improper connection, a failed
solenoid valve (blown coil) or plunger sticking.
Cycle Fault #11
The cassette temperature has failed to drop to
102°C within a timeout period of the end of a cycle
during venting.
Check for a clogged duct in the left rear of the cassette
tray. Check exhaust tubing (kinked or tightly coiled).
Check solenoid valve for improper connection, a failed
solenoid valve (blown coil) or plunger sticking.
Cycle Fault #12
This indicates a problem with the temperature
measuring system.
Possible causes are a faulty PCB, a disconnected,
broken or faulty thermocouple lead.