9. Statim 2000 Trouble-shooting
Cycle Faults – Software Revision R1xx, R2xx, R4xx, R5xx and R6xx
Cycle Fault #9
Not used
Cycle Fault #10
The cassette temperature has failed to drop to115°C
during the Unwrapped or Wrapped Cycle OR the
temperature has failed to drop to 110°C during the
Rubber and Plastics Cycle in the purge conditioning
Check for a clogged duct in the left rear of the
cassette tray. Check exhaust tubing (kinked or
tightly coiled). Check solenoid valve for
improper connection, a failed solenoid valve
(blown coil) or plunger sticking
Cycle Fault #11
The cassette temperature has failed to drop to 102°C
within a timeout period of the end of a cycle during
Check for a clogged duct in the left rear of the
cassette tray. Check exhaust tubing (kinked or
tightly coiled). Check solenoid valve for
improper connection, a failed solenoid valve
(blown coil) or plunger sticking.
Cycle Fault #12
This indicates a problem with the temperature
measuring system.
Possible causes are a faulty PCB, a
disconnected, broken or faulty thermocouple
Cycle Fault #13
Not used
Cycle Fault #14
Software Revisions
R1xx or R2xx only
The steam generator temperature is above 171°C
during the Sterilization phase of a cycle.
This may be the result of a weak water pump,
steam generator or cassette thermocouple
miscalibration, or a defective water quality
sensor (cycle running with insufficient water).
Cycle Fault #15
The cassette temperature raised above the high
threshold during the Sterilization phase of a cycle or
above 138.6°C during conditioning or pressurizing
phase of the cycle
Probable causes are a blocked duct in the
cassette, a pinched exhaust tube leading to the
waste bottle, or a faulty solenoid valve.
Cycle Fault #16
The steam generator temperature went above a
threshold value
This may be the result of a blocked steam
generator inlet tube, a failed or weak water
pump, a failed pump triac, failed steam
generator triac, faulty seal installation or failed
solenoid valve.
Cycle Fault #17-#18
Not used