9. Statim 2000 Trouble-shooting
Trouble-shooting, Original Statim Error Codes Unit Displays Select A Program
There are different types of Controller Boards and software revisions which may be encountered while servicing
IM /
IM 1000
Before using the Original Statim Error Codes verify that the Statim displays Select A Program when turned on.
Error Message
Description of Error Message
Probable Cause of Error Message
Check Cassette
The cassette temperature failed to reach 95°C in 3
This error message occurs only during warm up. The
most probable causes are:
1. Steam generator does not heat up. No power to steam
generator. Blown thermal fuse.
2. Check for a large cassette leak or a large load.
Check Cassette
The cassette temperature failed to increase from
95°C to 100°C within 1 minute 20 seconds.
Most probable causes are a faulty cassette seal,
miscalibration, a damaged cassette, improperly adjusted
or failed microswitch allowing unit to function when
cassette is not fully inserted. Occasionally, a low pressure
weather system in higher altitude sites will alter the
boiling temperature significantly and trigger this fault.
Verify Vref to be 4.0V.
Check Cassette
The cassette has failed to pressurize and achieve a
temperature of 110°C within 70 seconds of
This may be caused by a faulty or worn cassette seal, a
faulty or dirty solenoid valve, a damaged cassette or a
faulty exhaust tube, leaky check valve or pressure relief
Check Cassette
The cassette has failed to achieve sterilization
conditions within 10 minutes of the chamber first
Several conditions may cause this: a damaged or worn
cassette seal, a faulty solenoid valve, an improperly
installed copper tubing, cassette thermocouple
misalignment or damage, a faulty steam generator
pressure relief valve or a faulty check valve on.
Check Cassette
The software causes the pump to activate while
This indicates a substantial steam leak from the cassette,