JOGR is terminal for reverse jog operation command. Jog frequency, jog
interval and jog Acc/Dec time are defined in F9.05~F9.08.
11: Coast to stop
This function is the same with F2.08, however, it is realized by terminal
and convenient for remote control.
12~13: Frequency increase (UP) /decrease (DN)
If the setting is 12~13, the terminal can be used to increase or decrease
frequency instead of
keys on the panel for remote control. This
terminal is valid when F0.00=1 or F0.03=2.
14: Pause command for simple PLC
If the setting is 14, the terminal is used to pause the PLC operation and
the inverter operates at zero frequency when the terminal is enabled, but
the running time is not counted. If the terminal is disabled, the inverter
will start at start frequency and continue the PLC operation. Refer to
FD.00~FD.08 for the use of this terminal.
15: Acc/Dec prohibit
The motor is immune to any external command except Stop command
and maintain the present speed.
This function is disabled during normal decelerating to stop.
16: 3-wire operation control
Refer to F5.08.
17~18: External interrupt signal normally-open input
When the inverter receives an interrupt signal during running, it will
stop outputs and run at zero frequency. Once the signal removed, the
inverter will resume previous running at start frequency.
As Figure 6-20 shows, there are X4, normally open contacts and X5,
normally closed contact.
Different from function 6~7, the external interrupt signal will not cause
alarm, and the inverter will resume previous running once the signal