P a g e 40
Operating voltage
5 – 9 Vdc
Recommended battery setup
7.4V (2 x Li-Ion @3.7V)
Audio power
1.25 W @ 8
Audio quality
16 bit, 48 kHz
Maximum Power LED current
Adjustable: 0.1 – 1 A / channel
Power LED voltage
2 – 5 V
Power LED control
8 bit / channel
Maximum Accent LED current
Adjustable, 10 – 50 mA / channel
Accent LED voltage
Adjustable, 1-4 V
Accent LED control
8 bit / channel
Standby current
2.5 mA
Internal memory
256 MB
Number of fonts
1 – 16
Number of effects
Maximum 15 / font
Effect light sequence duration
Maximum 65 seconds
Effect light sequence points
Effect light sequence repetitions
Sounds per effect
1 for Tag, Power On, Power Off, Idle, Force, Lockup
and gestures
Maximum 15 for Swing, Impact, Spin and Stab
Number of gestures
Maximum 5 / font
Gesture duration
Maximum 5 seconds
Menu exit time
2 seconds with switch pressed
Menu timeout
30 seconds with no action
Power Off time
2 seconds with switch pressed
Sensitivity adjustment
Swing, Impact, Stab, Spin, Force, Menu rotations and
each gesture of each font
Sensitivity range
1 – 255
Operating system
Windows 7, 8, 10 or MAC OS
USB Driver
Virtual COM port.
Built-in for Windows 10 and MAC
Hard disk requirements
Minimum 500 MB free space
RAM requirements
Minimum 1 GB
Accepted sound format
LSU or WAV mono, 16 bit, 48 kHz
Native files
.DCFG = Diamond configuration and settings
.DGST = Diamond gesture
.PEFF = Packed effect
.PFNT = Packed font