G A L A X Y ® A U R O U R A C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Management
USER Details
The User Details screen is used to give the user a name, as well as assign
whether or not they are real-time users. In the example above, there are two
clients connected. One is connected via Infiniband, the other is connected via
Fibre Channel. Also in the above example, no users or real-time users exist.
Starting at the bottom of the screen, we have a table showing the status of
what are called sessions. A session means a communication link has been
established between the array and the client system, and that the client
system is visible to the array as a potential user. In this table, Fibre Channel
clients are identified under the driver column as “NumaRAID Target Driver for
Atto Celerity.” Infiniband clients are identified under this column as “ib_srpt.”
These drivers are the drivers which are on the array which are being used to
identify the client with. The next column to the right is labeled “Target” – it
pertains only to Fibre Channel clients. The target will indicate “NULL” for
Infiniband clients. On Fibre Channel clients, it will indicate the physical port
number on the Fibre Channel card within the array, that the client is connected
to by showing “ATTOtarget{port#}.” In the example above, it shows
ATTOtarget0, indicating port 0, which is the first port. The right column shows
the WWN# (World-Wide Network Number). Normally, the initiator (client) is
always referred to by this WWN#, but look at them – they’re long and probably
impossible to memorize. The main purpose of this screen, is to assign a name
that the administrator of the array can remember, to that WWN#. To assign a
name to the particular item, type a name under User Name, and left-click on
the Create button. Also in this table is a line for a localhost. This gives the
ability for you to name the array, and mount the array on itself, if necessary.
Here is an example, using “MacPro” for the Fibre Channel user, and “Gamer”
for the Infiniband user:
Many things on this screen changed - Gamer and MacPro are now listed in the
top table, with their names and WWN#s. You can delete either of these users