G A L A X Y ® A U R O U R A C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 5 Application / Technical Notes
To return to the NumaRAID GUI, expand the Hardware category on the left, if
it is not already, and left-click on NumaRAID GUI.
Default to Aurora’s GUI after Login
You can set Webmin, so that the Aurora’s NumaRAID GUI is always the first
thing which appears after login by doing the following:
1) Expand the Webmin Group if it is not already, so that you can see the
items under it.
2) Left-click on the Webmin Configuration item below the Webmin Group.
3) On the right, left-click the icon which reads “Index Page Options.”
4) Near the bottom of the table is a line which reads “After login, always go to
module” – next to this is a drop-down. Left-click on the drop-down, and
select NumaRAID GUI.
5) Left-click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
To return to the NumaRAID GUI, expand the Hardware category on the left, if
it is not already, and left-click on NumaRAID GUI.
Make the Aurora’s GUI a Little Faster
You can make the Aurora’s NumaRAID GUI a little bit faster by forcing
Webmin to cache it’s libraries. To do this, do the following:
1) Expand the Webmin Group if it is not already, so that you can see the
items under it.
2) Left-click on the Webmin Configuration item below the Webmin Group.
3) On the right, left-click the icon which reads “Advanced Options.”
4) The fourth item down reads “Pre-load Webmin functions library.” Select the
bubble next to Yes.
5) Left-click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
To return to the NumaRAID GUI, expand the Hardware category on the left, if
it is not already, and left-click on NumaRAID GUI.