G A L A X Y ® A U R O U R A C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 5 Application / Technical Notes
5) At the bottom, left-click on the Save button.
To return to the NumaRAID GUI, expand the Hardware category on the left, if
it is not already, and left-click on NumaRAID GUI.
See and Control SMART for the Boot Device
You can see the status of SMART for the boot device, as well as run SMART
diagnostic tests on it, by doing the following:
1) Expand the Hardware group on the left if it is not already.
2) Left-click on SMART Drive Status.
3) At the top of the screen, make sure the boot drive is selected.
4) Left-click on the Show button.
5) Once you have seen the data, you will get option buttons at the bottom to
run a Short Self-Test, Extended Self-Test, or a Data Collection test. These
tests are not destructive, and will not result in any loss of data. Note that
the extended test can take a long time to run, during which time, the array
will be inaccessible.
To return to the NumaRAID GUI, expand the Hardware category on the left, if
it is not already, and left-click on NumaRAID GUI.
Setting System Time or Timezone
Over time, you may find that the time/date on the array is not accurate, and
may need to be occasionally adjusted. Also, the time zone might not match
your location. There are two clocks in the system. One clock is the hardware
click, the other is a system (software) clock. The system clock reads the
hardware clock when it is first booted, then after that the system clock is
mathematically calculated as an offset using the system timer. The accuracy of
this timer can drift, and the system clock may not match the hardware clock
over time. The hardware clock can also drift. To get to the time screen, do the
1) Expand the Hardware group, if it is not already expanded.
2) Left-click on System Time. On the right, the following screen will appear: