G A L A X Y ® A U R O U R A C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 2 Basic Setup
computer with a host adapter), or can be connected to an Infiniband or Fibre
Channel switch.
When all cables are installed, one or more of the Ethernet activity LEDs on the
front of the unit may blink.
Power up the Galaxy Aurora by momentarily pushing the Power switch on the
front of the unit. The Galaxy Aurora will take several minutes to boot.
2.2 Configuration Setup
Setting up Ethernet Connectivity on a Windows Client
For you to administer Aurora, setup remote maintenance, or proceed with SAN
usage you need to be able to see the Aurora with a standard internet browser
over ethernet from your client. The process below will allow the client to talk to
the Aurora over ethernet on a Windows Client. Contact your Network
Administrator for support.
Proceed to the TCP/IP settings area of your particular client station, ie
Windows control panel network settings and select properties. Select the
TCP/IP listing and clik properties:
Clik the button to ‘Use the following IP address: