G A L A X Y ® A U R O U R A C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 5 Application / Technical Notes
IP Address Firewall
It is possible to set webmin to deny or allow specific IP addresses access to
the array. To do this, expand the Webmin group on the left, then click on
Webmin Configuration under this group. A series of icons will appear on the
right, as follows:
Left-click on the icon which reads IP Access Control. This brings up the
following screen:
Notice the bubbles at the top of the table. If you check the left bubble (the
default) – Allow from all addresses, All IP addresses will be able to access this
array. The other two bubbles are used in conjunction with the text box below.
You enter IP addresses into the text box. If you then check the bubble which
reads Only allow from listed addresses, then only IP addresses listed in the
text box will be able to access this array. If you check the right bubble Deny
from listed addresses, then any IP address except the ones listed will be able
to access this array. Once you have the screen set the way you would like,
left-click on the Save button at the bottom. To exit without saving, let-click on
the Return to Webmin configuration link at the bottom of the screen.