Weld Seam Detection System R4000 SND40
for Tubes, Cans and Drums
B0059001 / Rev. 2.3
ROLAND ELECTRONIC GmbH · Otto-Maurer-Str. 17 · DE 75210 Keltern · Phone +49 (0)7236-9392-0 · Fax +49 (0)7236-9392-33
Setup – Test operation
The screen contains the same functions as shown in the measuring mode. However, the size of the
signalling is reduced in favour of the parameter list.
Fig. 39: Setup test operation
Starts a positioning. (Signals see chapter
11.1 timing diagram test job with test job
PLC or test job KM)
Prints out the signal visualization and
the program list.
Changes (on signal type “
Eddy current
”) to
the mode
Setup – X-Y-diagnosis
Inserts the screen keyboard.
Stores the settings and returns to the mode
Setup – Program selection
Enters the parameter.
Starts measuring the turn speed. (Signals
see chapter 11.1 timing diagram speed
measurement with test job PLC or test job
Selects the program parameter from
the list.
Returns to the mode
Setup – Program selection
” without storing
the program parameters.
Changes the program parameter.
Pos: 53 /Schweissnaht/ Geräte/ SND40/8 Betrieb/Einrichte n X/Y-Diagno se @ 0\mod_1128603820515_501.docx @ 724 @ 2 @ 1