Weld Seam Detection System R4000 SND40
for Tubes, Cans and Drums
System description
B0059001 / Rev. 2.3
ROLAND ELECTRONIC GmbH · Otto-Maurer-Str. 17 · DE 75210 Keltern · Phone +49 (0)7236-9392-0 · Fax +49 (0)7236-9392-33
Pos: 13 /Schweissnaht/ Geräte/ SND40/3 System beschreibung/Rundkörpe r/Statio n zur Schweißna hte rkennung @ 0\mod_1126527979390_501.docx @ 600 @ 23 @ 1
Station for Weld Seam Detection
For a weld seam detection station following components which are not supplied by Roland
Electronic are required in addition to the SND40:
a loading system to provides tubes from a magazine into a rotating device
a rotating device, which is able to receive and rotate the tube
an adjusting device, to turn on and off the weld seam sensor on the tube
a clamping device which holds the tube, after the positioning process has been completed
and before the sensor is retracted
a sorting device to remove any tubes which are classified as weld seam detection
inadequate by the SND40
an unloading device which takes over the oriented tube from the clamping device and
transports without changing the Azimuth (angular position)
a control system for operation of the components and the linking with the production line
It is useful to obtain the appropriate equipment by an experienced manufacturer of special
2.2.1 Operational sequence of a Weld Seam Detection
Here is a proven 8 step sequence which provides an initial over of the required functions:
the system places the tube into the rotational drive.
the tube is fixed in the rotating drive for example in a chuck or with cones.
the rotation device places the sensor on the tube so that the rollers are in contact.
the SND40 is started via the PLC (signal “measurement start”).
By this, the SND40 activates the drive (signal "motor") and the magnetization.
after the settling time has expired, the rated speed is achieved and the magnetic field is in
full strength. Internally the recording of the measurements which can be set via the SND40,
begins (a measuring cycle lasts at least 3 tube rotations). Is the weld seam detected, the
positioning phase begins, which lasts approx. one tube rotation.
the positioning phase is completed, if the drive of the SND40 is switched off and has come to
standstill. The unloading system now fixes the tube or the container in this position.
the sensor is withdrawn and the tube or container is now ready for unloading.
if the weld seam cannot be detected, the SND40 stops the drive and releases the signal
"reduced detection". Since the tube is not reliably positioned, it must be sorted out by the
unloading system.
When the weld seam of a tube is not recognized immediately, the sorting out might be
eventually prevented as it cannot be passed on to the next process. See chapter 2.7
„Measures to improve the Weld Seam Detection“
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Pos: 14 /Schweissnaht/ Geräte/ SND40/3 System beschreibung/Rundkörpe r/Planungsinformation @ 0\mod_1126528190453_501. docx @ 599 @ 233333333 @ 1