Wall Mounting the SDM-6000, Optional • 32
sure that it is connected and secured to the left-most SDM-6000.
2 . Connect the wall mounting brackets to the SDM-6000(s) using the provided
screws. The wall mounting brackets are not straight. They have a short section
and a long section. The short section has a smaller hole than the long section.
Screw the short section into the SDM-6000 making sure that the long section
goes away from the station and is flush with the back of the SDM-6000.
Figure 23: Wall Mounting Bracket Installation
3 . Position the SDM-6000(s) on the wall where you intend to mount them.
4 . Screw the wall mounting brackets into the wall. Make sure the mounting
Long S ection w/ Bigger Hole
Short S ection w/ Smaller H ole
Long S ection w/ Bigger Hole
Short S ection w/ Smaller H ole