R0E417250MCU00 User
’s Manual
R20UT3587EJ0302 Rev.3.02
Page 87 of 232
Sep.01. 21
(6) Selecting the power voltage of the target system
Select the voltage level of the user system. This option can only be set in booting-up of the emulator and is only available
when the MCU in use supports both 5.0 and 3.3 V. If the MCU only supports either 5.0 or 3.3 V, the emulator automatically
selects the given voltage level.
(7) Enabling interrupts during stepped execution
Select whether interrupts should be enabled or disabled from the start of stepping until an instruction is executed. Interrupts are
always accepted while a subroutine is being invoked by step-over or step-out execution.
(8) Masking the NMI pin
Select whether you want masking of input signals to the NMI pin of the target system.
(9) Masking the BREQ/WAIT pin
Select whether you want the input signal to the BREQ/WAIT pin of the target system to be masked.
(10) Usage with the EXPE bit of SYSCR (0xFFFDC2) as 1
Select this checkbox if you wish to enable access to external space while the MCU is in single-chip mode.
This option is only available for MCUs that have an EXPE bit in SYSCR. When the MCU is not in single-chip mode, this
option is ignored.
(11) Debugging with overwriting of flash memory
Select this checkbox if you wish to allow rewriting of the contents of the internal ROM or EEPROM during debugging.
For details on debugging with overwriting of flash memory, see “Debugging with Overwriting of Flash Memory” in section
7.5 Notes on Using the MCU Unit (page 224).
(12) Display a message when the emulator is to manipulate registers in the FCU
Select the checkbox if you wish to view a message when the emulator manipulates registers in the FCU.
(13) Enable or disable IRQ input signals
Specify the hexadecimal number for the pattern of bits that corresponds to the user IRQ signals (IRQn) that you wish to
0: Disables monitoring of IRQn
1: Enables monitoring of IRQn
n = 15 to 0.
The default value is FFFF.