R0E417250MCU00 User
’s Manual
R20UT3587EJ0302 Rev.3.02
Page 125 of 232
Sep.01. 21
5.9 Viewing Trace Information
Viewing Trace Information
Tracing means the acquisition of bus information per cycle and storage of this information in trace memory during user
program execution. You can use tracing to track the flow of application execution or to search for and examine the points
where problems arise.
The E100 emulator allows acquisition of up to 4-M bus cycles.
When program execution stops (due to an exception break, forced stop or breakpoint), the contents of trace memory at the time
the program has stopped are displayed as the result of tracing, even if no trace points have been encountered yet.
Acquiring Trace Information
In cases where no trace acquisition conditions are set, the default behavior of the E100 emulator is to acquire information on
all bus cycles unconditionally (trace mode = Fill until stop).
In “fill until stop” mode, the emulator starts trace acquisition as soon as the user program starts running. When the user
program stops, the emulator stops tracing.
The acquired trace information is displayed in the Trace window.
Figure 5.45 Trace window