R0E417250MCU00 User
’s Manual
R20UT3587EJ0302 Rev.3.02
Page 186 of 232
Sep.01. 21
5.13.9 Saving Task Profile Measurement Settings
You can save the current settings regarding tasks for measurement (task IDs and enabled/disabled states) in task mode.
Click on the Save button of the Realtime Profile Setting dialog box, and the Save As dialog box will be displayed.
Enter the name of the file where you want the task profile measurement settings to be saved.
If the file-name extension is omitted, “.rpf” will automatically be appended as the extension.
If you specify an existing file name, a message is displayed asking you to confirm whether you want the file to be overwritten.
5.13.10 Loading Task Profile Measurement Settings
You can load task profile measurement settings.
Click on the Load button of the Realtime Profile Setting dialog box, and the Open dialog box will be displayed.
Figure 5.105 Open dialog box
Enter the name of the file you want to load.
Only files bearing the extension “.rpf” can be loaded. If you enter any other file-name extension, an error message will be
When loading of the file is complete, the list (of tasks) in the Realtime Profile Setting dialog box is updated.
Even if a loaded task ID does not currently exist, it will be temporarily displayed in the list of tasks in the Realtime Profile
Setting dialog box. However, only tasks with the existing IDs will actually be registered when you click on the OK button.
You can re-open the Realtime Profile Setting dialog box to check the currently registered tasks.
If the information in the loaded file is for a function profile, the profile mode in the Realtime Profile Setting dialog box is
switched to function mode.