R0E417250MCU00 User
’s Manual
R20UT3587EJ0302 Rev.3.02
Page 227 of 232
Sep.01. 21
Notes on the Emulator Limits Access:
The emulator limits access to the following areas.
- Addresses H’0 to H’FFFFF excluding the flash ROM area.
- Addresses H’FEC000 to H’FEBFFF excluding the RAM area.
- Addresses H’E00000 to H’E1FFFF excluding the EEPROM area.
- Access-prohibited areas.
- When data is viewed in a window (e.g. [Memory]), fixed data 00 is read out.
- When data is changed in a window (e.g. [Memory]), the data is not written. No errors occur.
- When data other than 00 is written with verification, a verification error occurs.
Notes on Memory Access during Execution of the User Program:
While the user program is running, using the emulator to download programs to the flash ROM or EEPROM or
to change memory settings is not possible.
If you have selected the [Debug the program with overwriting of flash ROM] checkbox on the [System] page of
the [Configuration properties] dialog box and attempt to read data from the flash ROM or EEPROM while the
user program is running, the data read out during the most recent break is displayed rather than the current data
in the flash memory.
If you attempt to read data from the flash ROM or EEPROM while the user program is running under any of the
following conditions, the fixed value “FF” is read out.
- The operating frequency (CPU clock frequency) is below 1 MHz (e.g. while the subclock is in use).
- The CPU clock has stopped (e.g. the emulator is in the standby or subsleep mode).
- The emulator is in the reset state.
- The emulator is waiting for release of the external bus.
When memory is accessed during execution of the user program, the MCU temporarily occupies the MCU bus.
If you wish to maintain realtime operation, select the [Disable memory access by GUI when target is executing]
checkbox on the [Options] page of the [Debug Settings] dialog box.
Note on Key-code Error That May Appear during the Boot-up Process:
An error message “Failed to boot up the EFW program because the keycode value is invalid.” may appear
during the boot-up process and prevent connection of the emulator. In such a case, perform a diagnostic test.
Note on Key Code
The range of addresses H’4 to H’7 is a key-code area. Note that there are the following limitations.
(1) When emulation memory is not assigned to the flash ROM
Even if you attempt to change values of addresses H’4 to H’7 in a window (e.g. [Memory]), the values will
not be actually written.
(2) When emulation memory is assigned to the flash ROM
If you attempt to change values of addresses H’4 to H’7 in a window (e.g. [Memory]), the values will be