R0E417250MCU00 User
’s Manual
R20UT3587EJ0302 Rev.3.02
Page 133 of 232
Sep.01. 21
5. Repeat fill until full
For each time trace point encountered, information for a total of 512 cycles before and after that point is acquired.
Acquisition continues in the same way until the trace memory overflows, at which time acquisition is halted. The positions
where trace points have been encountered can be checked in the Trace window.
Table 5.19 Specifiable conditions: Repeat fill until full
Trace point
Specifying capture/do not
Recording of step
If trace points are encountered in consecutive cycles in the repeat fill until stop or repeat fill until full mode, the yellow
highlight that indicates a trace point only appears for the trace point in the first of the cycles.
Setting Trace Points
(1) Setting trace points
For trace points, you can set an OR condition, other conditions (AND (cumulative), AND (simultaneous), subroutine,
sequential or state transitions) and detection of exceptional events.
You can specify all or only one of the OR condition, other conditions and detection of exceptional events at a time.
Trace acquisition
OR condition
Other conditions
AND (cumulative)
AND (simultaneous)
Trace point encountered
State transitions
Exceptional event
Delay value
Trace acquisition halted
Figure 5.50 A trace point in outline