R0E417250MCU00 User
’s Manual
R20UT3587EJ0302 Rev.3.02
Page 155 of 232
Sep.01. 21
5.11 Measuring Code Coverage
5.11.1 Measuring Code Coverage
Code coverage refers to measures of the condition of a program in terms of ‘digestion’ by tests, i.e., the degree of thoroughness
of tests of the software code (and the paths within it).
Information on instruction execution is displayed for the C/C++ and assembly-language levels.
This function collects information on instruction execution without causing execution of the program to break. Therefore,
measuring code coverage does not affect the realtime characteristic of user-program execution.
The results of coverage are updated when a break is encountered.
The E100 emulator supports C0 (instruction) coverage and C1 (branch) coverage.
Table 5.27 Code coverage definition
C0: Instruction coverage
All statements within the code are executed at least once.
C1: Branch coverage
All branches within the code are executed at least once.
The E100 emulator comes with up to 2 Mbytes of code-coverage memory for C0 level coverage and up to 1 Mbyte of code-
coverage memory for C0 + C1 level coverage.
With the initial settings, code-coverage memory is automatically allocated to addresses in the ROM and RAM areas, in that
5.11.2 Opening the Code Coverage Window
Choose Code -> Code Coverage from the View menu or click on the Code Coverage toolbar button [
The Code Coverage window is initially empty.