R0E417250MCU00 User
’s Manual
R20UT3587EJ0302 Rev.3.02
Page 162 of 232
Sep.01. 21
5.11.7 Sorting Coverage Data
Clicking on a header column in the upper pane of the Code Coverage window allows the coverage data to be sorted.
(1) Clicking on the File column
The data can be sorted by file name. Lines for the same file are sorted by function name.
C0 Coverage
file1.cpp func1
40% ■■■■
file1.cpp func2
10% ■
file1.cpp func3
80% ■■■■■■■■
file1.cpp func4
70% ■■■■■■■
file2.cpp func1
20% ■■
file2.cpp func2
60% ■■■■■■
file2.cpp func3
90% ■■■■■■■■■
file3.cpp func1
file3.cpp func2
30% ■■■
file3.cpp func3
10% ■
(2) Clicking on the C0 Coverage column
The data can be sorted by coverage rate.
Clicking on the column once sorts the values into descending order. Clicking on the column a second time sorts the values into
ascending order.
C0 Coverage
file2.cpp func3
90% ■■■■■■■■■
file1.cpp func3
80% ■■■■■■■■
file1.cpp func4
70% ■■■■■■■
file2.cpp func2
60% ■■■■■■
file1.cpp func1
40% ■■■■
file3.cpp func2
30% ■■■
file2.cpp func1
20% ■■
file1.cpp func2
10% ■
file3.cpp func3
10% ■
file3.cpp func1