R0E417250MCU00 User
’s Manual
R20UT3587EJ0302 Rev.3.02
Page 167 of 232
Sep.01. 21
(2) When “Merge” has been selected
Figure 5.85 Schematic view of the merge mode
(3) Example of application of the merge mode
Figure 5.86 Schematic view of a merge-mode application
(1) Open the Load Coverage Data dialog box.
To begin with, select the “Clear coverage RAM before loading” checkbox.
(2) In the merge mode, add the coverage file for test A.
(3) In the merge mode, add the coverage file for test B.
(4) In the merge mode, add the coverage file for test C.
(5) Click on the OK button.
You have now finished merging three files.
By re-calculating the percentages in the Code Coverage window, you can view the coverage (as percentages) of the tests as a
Furthermore, you can save the merged data in a single file and manage the data accordingly.