R0E417250MCU00 User
’s Manual
R20UT3587EJ0302 Rev.3.02
Page 124 of 232
Sep.01. 21
(4) Detection of exceptional events
Specify whether you want detection of the following exceptional events to be used as a breakpoint.
- Violation of access protection
- Reading from a non-initialized memory area
- Stack access violation
- Performance-measurement overflow
- Realtime profile overflow
- Trace memory overflow
- Task stack access violation
- OS dispatch
(5) Specifying a delay value
If this checkbox is selected, program execution breaks the specified number of bus cycles after the breakpoint is encountered.
The delay value is specifiable in the range from 0 to 65,535 (default = 0).
Saving/Loading Hardware Break Settings
(1) Saving hardware break settings
Click on the Save button of the Hardware Break dialog box. The Save dialog box will be displayed.
Specify the name of the file where you want the break settings to be saved. The file-name extension is “.hev”. If this is omitted,
the extension “.hev” is automatically appended.
(2) Loading hardware break settings
Click on the Load button of the Hardware Break dialog box. The Load dialog box will be displayed. Specify the name of the
file you want to load.
When you load a file, the previous hardware break settings are discarded and the new settings appear in the dialog box.
Click on the Apply button of the Hardware Break dialog box to activate the new hardware break settings you have loaded.