R0E417250MCU00 User
’s Manual
R20UT3587EJ0302 Rev.3.02
Page 161 of 232
Sep.01. 21
The lower pane shows a detailed (assembly-language level) view of the address range selected in the upper pane.
Table 5.32 Contents of the lower pane of the Code Coverage window
1: The instruction was executed.
0: The instruction was not executed.
Condition for execution of a conditional branch instruction.
T: The condition was satisfied.
F: The condition was not satisfied.
T/F: The condition was satisfied in one case and not satisfied in
Address of the instruction
Disassembled program
C/C++ or assembly source program
The acquired coverage information is accumulated in memory until it is cleared by the user.
5.11.6 Showing Percentages and Graphs
After the program has stopped, right-click in the upper pane of the Code Coverage window and choose Percentage from the
popup menu. The emulator will start calculating C0 (instruction) coverage and C1 (branch) coverage for each address range.
When the calculation is completed, coverage information is displayed in the upper pane as percentages and graphs.
Figure 5.78 Code Coverage window