Operating the Instrument
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► To open and close the message box, tap the "Info" button.
If no messages are available, the "Info" button is hidden.
Important messages are indicated by a red "Info" button. These messages cannot
be deleted, they remain until the problem is solved.
Getting Information and Help
In many dialog boxes, graphics are included to explain the way a setting works.
For further information, you can use the following sources:
Tooltips give a short description of the parameter.
The context help provides functional description on a setting, and the corre-
sponding remote command.
The general help explains a dialog box, provides instructions, and general
Displaying Help
To display tooltips and context help
1. Enable the "Tooltip" icon on the toolbar.
2. Tap the parameter for which you need information.
The tooltip opens.
3. To open the corresponding help topic, tap the "Show Help" button in the lower
right corner of the tooltip.
The "Help" window opens and displays the comprehensive description and
the corresponding remote command. You can browse the help for further
Getting Information and Help