Measuring forward and reflected power
1145.5973.12 4.77
Operating sequence:
Press the MEAS key.
Press the MEASURE softkey.
The measurement functions submenu opens.
Using the cursor keys or the rotary knob, select the
POWER SENSOR menu item and confirm with the
ENTER key or the MEASURE softkey.
The R&S FSH opens the screen for power measurements. If no power sensor is connected, it does not
display any measured value and outputs Power sensor (unknown) in the status field. If a power sensor
is connected, the R&S FSH sets up a connection via its interface, displays first the message Power
sensor (Detecting) and then the message Power sensor (Booting) in the status field and, after a few
seconds, displays the type of the sensor connected (R&S FSH-Z44) as well as the measured power.
In the event of incorrect operation or sensor malfunction, the R&S FSH outputs the following error
Message Cause Remedy
Error in zeroing: signal at
A signal was present at the
power sensor when zeroing was
Unscrew the power sensor from
the device under test and repeat
Warning: input overloaded
The power at the input of the
power sensor exceeds the
permissible power.
Reduce the power at the sensor
Hardware error
Communication error between
the R&S FSH and the power
Unscrew the sensor from the
R&S FSH and check the
connectors. If the problem
persists, contact a Rohde &
Schwarz service center.
Power sensor error
The power sensor signals an
error to the R&S FSH.
Contact a Rohde & Schwarz
service center.
Website: www.Sengt.com