ESPLXD-ET Controller
Probable Cause
After a rainstorm my
irrigation system resumes
watering too soon
There are several reasons which could cause the
irrigation system to resume watering too soon after
a rainstorm:
The rainfall received in the weather signal may not
correctly represent rainfall at your site.
Location of your optional on-site Rain Gauge may be
The Rain Source in the ET Manager Cartridge may be
programmed incorrectly.
Effective Rain settings may need to be adjusted.
The weather signal rainfall value may not correctly represent rainfall at
your site. Connect an optional on-site Rain Gauge (ETM-RG).
Check the location of your optional on-site Rain Gauge, make certain
there are no obstacles blocking rain from entering the Rain Gauge.
Check the Rain Source to verify the ET Manager Cartridge is programmed
to use data from the correct Rain Source and correct gauge ETM-RG
1mm/tip or Local Gauge 0.01”/tip (RAINGAUGE) (see the Rain Source
section for details).
The Maximum Hourly Rain setting may be limiting the amount of rainfall
applied to the Moisture Levels. Change the Maximum Rain to a higher
amount to accept more hourly rainfall in the Moisture Levels (see the
Effective Rain section for details). For example, if Max Hourly Rain is set
to 0.25” and rain for the last hour is 1.00”, only 0.25” will be added to the
Moisture Level.
The Saturation Allowance may be too low. Change the Saturation
Allowance to a higher amount to accept more rainfall in the Moisture
Level(s) (see the Effective Rain section for details).
After a rainstorm my
irrigation system does not
resume watering soon
There are several reasons the irrigation system may
not resume watering soon enough after a rainstorm:
The rainfall received in the weather signal may not
correctly represent rainfall at your site.
The Rain Source in the ET Manager Cartridge may be
programmed incorrectly.
Effective Rain settings may need to be adjusted.
The weather signal rainfall value may not correctly represent rainfall at
your site. Connect an optional on-site Local Rain Gauge (ETM-RG).
Check the Rain Source to verify the ET Manager Cartridge is programmed
to use data from the correct Rain Source.
The Maximum Hourly Rain setting may be accepting more rainfall into
the Moisture Levels than the landscape is actually capable of accepting.
Change the Maximum Hourly Rain to a lower amount to limit rainfall in
the Moisture Levels.
The Saturation Allowance may be too high. The Saturation Allowance
creates a limit to the amount of rain that can accumulate in the Moisture
Level(s). Change the Saturation Allowance to a lower amount to decrease
the amount of rainfall that can accumulate in the Moisture Level(s).
ESPLXD-ET user-manual (670504-01) artwork_120716.indb 65
7/16/2012 3:48:21 PM