ESPLXD-ET Controller
Section F - Flow Management
The ESPLXD-ET controller offers a wide variety of flow-
related functionality to utilize your system more efficiently,
with or without additional flow sensing hardware.
Introduction to Flow
To optimize the controller’s flow features, it’s important to first
understand FloZones. A FloZone is a collection of one or more stations
all using the same water source. In a simple irrigation system such as a
private residence, water is often supplied from a single source (typically
from the local municipality) and in that case all stations are part of a
single FloZone.
In a typical commercial installation, each FloZone will have it’s water
source(s) controlled by individual Master Valve(s) (or MVs). For this
reason, the number of FloZones is often the same as the number of
MVs. The number of FloZones can never be greater than the number
of water sources and if multiple water sources (and likely MVs) supply
the same section, then the number of FloZones will be less than the
number of MVs.
It’s important to fully understand your system’s hydraulic properties to
set up your water sources, MVs and FloZones appropriately. For more
information on setting up MVs and FloZones. See Section B, Master
Valves Setup for more details.
ESPLXD-ET Flow Management Features
After understanding and correctly setting up the MVs and FloZones
for your system, the next step is to decide which flow-related features
you’d like to use.
The ESPLXD-ET controller flow features can be divided into two different
functional groups; FloManager and FloWatch.
FloManager adds basic hydraulic management features to your system
to ensure that sufficient water pressure and volume is available to
operate all stations. Although it is helpful, flow sensing hardware is not
required to use FloManager. You can manually enter estimated flow
rates even if flow sensing hardware is not installed.
FloWatch allows you to use any or all of the FloManager features but
adds additional functionality such as alarms for high flow (SEEF) and
low flow (SELF) situations based on parameters you set and control. See
SEEF and SELF Settings and Actions for more details.
Flow sensing hardware is required to use FloWatch.
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