DEMOQE128 User Manual
Select the battery pack to supply microcontroller VDD
Select the MCU_PORT to supply microcontroller VDD. This setting
also allows power to be supplied to the target connected to the
MCU_PORT. By default this jumper is installed.
Figure 8-3: VDD_SELECT Option Header (J5)
RS232 Communications
The DEMOQE128 integrates an RS232 transceiver for the microcontroller
SCI signals. The transceiver operates from 1.8V to 4.25V, and it can be
enabled or disabled via jumper settings or through firmware control. The
DEMOQE128 also integrates the SCI signal into the Embedded Multilink
circuitry. A user can communicate with the microcontroller SCI module via
either the on-board DB9 connector or the Embedded Multilink circuitry. There
are three jumpers associated with SCI communication.
J6 - SCI RXD Signal Selection Jumper RXD_EN
Connects the microcontroller PTB0/RXD signal to the RS232