DEMOQE128 User Manual
time that an application is being debugged and programmed on the
DEMOQE128 board from within CodeWarrior.
With the Quick Start Application (which comes pre-loaded in the
microcontroller’s on-chip flash memory) running we will use the DEMOQE
Logic Analyzer utility. This PC-based utility graphs the IN0 and IN1 signals on
the board. For convenience, if both J11 jumpers are installed, IN0 graphs
PTC0 activity and IN1 graphs PTC1 activity. If you would like to graph other
microcontroller signals, you can use wire jumpers from IN0 and IN1 to the
respective signals on the board’s MCU PORT.
Make sure the board is powered ON and that the Quick Start Applica-
tion is running.
Open the DEMOQE Logic Analyzer utility from within the
DEMOQE_Toolkit folder by double-clicking on the LogicAnalyzer.exe
In the utility, click on the “Open DEMOQE and Graph Pins” button to
begin graphing IN0 and IN1. These signals will be continually
graphed at a sampling rate of 10Khz.
Figure 3-4: DEMOQE Logic Analyzer