DEMOQE128 User Manual
port number, baud rate, parity, and number of data bits. There is a button to
take a file on the PC and transmit it out of the serial port. There are also
delays which are automatically inserted in the transmission output to prevent
overruns. It is recommended that these defaults not be changed.
Figure 6-2: DEMOQE Terminal Application
The terminal window may be set for full duplex or half duplex. In full duplex
mode, only received characters are displayed in the terminal window. In half
duplex mode, both transmitted and received characters are displayed.
To start using this application, please choose a COM or virtual USB COM
settings from a drop down Port menu. By doing so, you are specifying the port
on the evaluation board that will be used for serial data transmission. Please
make sure that jumpers on headers J6 and J7 are set accordingly. Prior to
starting serial data capture, please specify Baud, Parity and Bits settings to
reflect the parameters at which your serial communication interface is
operating. Once your port settings are configured, please plug a USB or DB9
serial cable into the evaluation board and click on the Open Serial Port button.
This PC-based application is included on the DVD-ROM that accompanys the
DEMOQE, and may also be found at:
DEMOQE Unsecure Application
This application allows secure CFV1 and HCS08 microcontrollers to be
unsecured. The Unsecure application will erase a secure device to make it