It is to merge components into a combination. After merging into a whole, the component is
registered. After registering, select a standard pin from each side pin, click with the left mouse
button to select the lead frame, right-click and click [IC Solder Joint Sharing Standard]. Pins on
each side will share one pin according to this method. The component IC is manufactured, and
the same IC can be copied by Single-Point Copying according to the capacitance method.
QFP: the editing method of QFP is basically the same as that of IC, just drawing the
[Short-circuit Boxes] on both sides and merge them together. Other editing methods are the
Other special-shaped components: for example (Pentagon, switch, card holder, etc.). Generally,
first make each frame that needs to be inspected, and then select the appropriate operation
method. After drawing, merge each box of the component into a whole, and then register the
Solder leg: [None-polar Frame] can be selected for the solder leg, and the color extraction can be
selected as the calculation method (if there is not enough tin on individual components to show
blue, the region method can be used.
Noumenon frame: if the noumenon has polarity, choose [Polar Frame]. And choose [None-polar
Frame] if it has no polarity. The editing method of the noumenon frame of IC is the same.
Screen printing frame: if the screen printing has polarity, choose [Polar Frame]. And choose
[None-polar Frame] if it has no polarity. The editing method of the noumenon frame of IC is the
Dense pins: select [Short-circuit Frame] with reference to the same editing method of screen
printing frame of IC.
The following are pictures of editing methods for individual special-shaped components. As