This Manual and the hardware and software involved in it are protected by Copyright Law. Without
permission of the Company, copy of information of this Manual in part or in full is prohibited, with the
exception stipulated by the Copyright Law that copy is required by normal use of software.
Neoden is the trademark of Zhejiang Neoden Technology Co., Ltd.
Microsoft EXCEL/Word/PowerPoint, SQL Server, Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP, and Windows for
workgroups are registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
As the equipment hardware and software of the Company have been continuously upgraded, the
content described in this Manual might be different from real object of the equipment. The Company
reserves the right to change the content of this Manual without prior notice to users.
If you have any doubts or problems about error, improvement, wrongly written words / omission
words with this Manual and equipment, please contact us according to the contact information at the
bottom of this page.
Zhejiang Neoden Technology Co., Ltd.
No.18,Tianzihu Avenue,Tianzihu Town,Anji Country,Huzhou City,Zhejiang
Tel.: 0571-571-2626626