Set the hue, brightness and saturation of [Red] and [Blue] according to the method of color
extraction. The extracted [Red] is the red in the middle of the ball, and the [Blue] is the color of
tin on the ball. Then click [Only Apply to Current Inspection Frame]-[Exit] to return to the
previous interface.
Divide each ball clearly by [Threshold Division], [Corrosion] and [Expansion], and then set the
region range of the ball by maximum size and minimum size. The [Minimum Size of
Registration Chart and [Maximum Size of Registration Chart] can be referred. Then set the
parameter of shape degree to represent the similarity between each ball and circle. [Blue Ratio]
represents the lowest blue ratio of each ball as a good product (lower blue ratio means less tin in
the ball); [Red ratio] represents the highest red ratio of each ball as a good product (higher red
ratio means larger crushed region of the ball); [Offset Value] is the allowed offset of the ball;
[Foreign matter size] refers to the size of the foreign matter on BGA. After completing the
setting in this interface, click [Save]-[Exit] to return to the previous interface, as shown in the