After adjustment, the component frame can be made.
Capacitance and resistance: you can directly click on the capacitance and resistance box
below and hold down the left mouse button to make the frame, as shown in the following figure:
The frame is based on the noumenon. After the noumenon is drawn, pad frames on both sides as
well as silk screen frames in the middle will automatically generate (the color frame in the
middle of the capacitor). If the automatically generating frame is inappropriate in size, you can
click on the inappropriate frame to debug the size.
0402 or smaller capacitance resistance can be directly selected from small material frame, as
shown in the following figure:
When making a small material frame, frame the bonding pad of the whole component and the
body together, and a small frame for color inspection will be automatically generated in the
middle. After making the frame, click the right mouse button where there are no components to
cancel the selected box.
Each component is directly registered after making frame. The steps are: first select the
components to be registered, then right-click and click [Component Register]